rock roll reconnoiter

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Friday, August 09, 2002 9:43 AM

Wherein I Berate Easy Targets To Make Myself Feel Like A Real Tough-Guy Type

Dave got a CD at the VIRGIN MEGASTORE the other day by a DJ (I think) called HYBRID. With his purchase he received a FREE promotional CD called BeST oF BriTiSH. Just like that. Suffice to say, the CD BLOWS. Although a couple of good tracks are scattered between suck, they are too predictable to warrant any enjoyment from listening (i.e.-that song by THE WHO, and that song by THE LA'S). What it lacks in listenability, however, it makes up for in really shitty liner notes written by Dee McLaughlin & Kim Taylor. Wait a second. . . Dee McLaughlin & Kim Taylor . .. D. Taylor .. .huh, that's strange. So, anyway, RICHARD "HERE'S MY FUCKING TEETH" BRANSON appears ever-vigilant in his quest to homogenize and historically revise with major props going to SUPERTRAMP and PETER FRAMPTON. Wait a second . ..SUPERTRAMP, PETER FRAMPTON .. . SUPERTRAMPTON .. . huh, that's strange. The copy for the SUPERTRAMP song 'Bloody Well Right', in what must be an effort to remind us that our presumably jaded views on redundancy are well met, reads,"This British progressive rock band from the '70s knew how to churn out peppy yet significant radio hits on both sides of the pond, including this one(emphasis added)." Furthermore, everyone will want to go out and spend when they read of FRAMPTON's 'Baby I Love Your Way' that,"Every teenage make-out party in the late '70s and beyond had this long-play rock track at it's core." AND BEYOND?!?! AT ITS CORE?!?! Teenagers are now, and have forever been, fucking idiots. McL and T go on to describe FRAMPTON's guitar playing as "respected", which is really just a nice way of saying,"FRAMPTON was adopted and his foster parents hated him. FUCK ORPHANS!" Oh well. I guess you still pay for what you get.